On the surface, a quiet township in rural Ontario might seem picturesque, but in the early decades of the twentieth century, that image couldn't have been farther from the truth. With an obscure cult, unexplained disappearances, and a series of murders, the dark rumours of what really went on in those early days have cast long shadows on this humble setting.
Back in the day, the residents of this township-which straddled a stretch of water connecting two larger lakes-relied heavily on the services of the local ferryman to cross this wide channel. But their ferryman had an ominous reputation and a chilling secret. Almost fifty years later, ferryman Luther Neville is haunted by his memory of those long-ago days and menaced by echoes of obstructed justice and a mystery yet to be unravelled.
A fictional adaptation inspired by the real-life legend of Ontario's Rideau Ferry Man, The Ferryman's House-Book One of the Ferryman's Tales-is an eerie tale that imagines the truth behind the legend and brings back to life all those lost to history ... and to the Ferryman....