Welcome to the world of Birds. In this book I want to share with you some of the most beautiful species of birds existing in Colombia.
There is information about every species in the book. I have created different ways to show you their behavior, calls, colors, and even habitat. I created detailed descriptions and a color palette that will guide you through the coloring process. You will also find videos, images, and sounds of every bird, by scanning the QR code provided.
Relax while you are coloring; you might be interested in listening to something relaxing and sweet. I want to propose you a playlist with relaxing music, which you can access easily by scanning another QR code. It is worth mentioning that this is not a requirement for having a relaxing experience or for coloring the birds. If you chose to listen to my playlist you will also have the time management advantage, since you could easily calculate how long you want to be coloring by tracking the time duration of the music track.
There are two drawings for every bird species, which are specially designed to be colored by you and to be the result of an artistic process.
For the first drawing of every species, you will be guided by the coloring palette and the numbers of every color put on the bird. Once you have the idea of the colors, in the second drawing, you are invited to color the same bird in a landscape or context. In this part, you might want to let your creativity to flow.
Happy bird coloring!